I am an active learner, continually adding new therapeutic models and methods to my practice. Below are some of the mental difficulties with which I have direct experience and that I have helped my clients resolve or eliminate. Please see the Therapeutic Methods page for more information on treatment methods.
Generalized Discomfort of Unknown or Unclear Origin
Often, new clients enter my office feeling uncomfortable or even in acute pain, but they do not know the exact source of their suffering. We are not trained in our culture to be aware of our thought processes and our emotional states. This condition, though sometimes life-long or seemingly irresolvable can often be identified very quickly and treatment can begin within one or two sessions.

Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety affect more Americans than any two mental health issues combined. Treatment for these conditions varies and can be found in many therapeutic practices. I am skilled in several effective methods that address these devastating conditions.
Psychosis and Schizophrenia
I have had some very good results working with people troubled with psychosis and schizophrenia. These conditions require definite testing and evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, and often medication is essential for the most effective treatment. If you would like a referral to a competent professional, I would be happy to help. Once you have seen such a professional I would be delighted to see you for continued and parallel therapeutic treatment. If you choose not to take medication, I will likely be willing to see you, but only after discussing your case with your prescribing provider.
PTSD and Trauma
EMDR is a therapeutic method gaining wide acceptance as highly effective in the treatment of PTSD and other trauma related issues. My work to date with victims of trauma is solid and has offered solace and hope to many.

Alcoholism and Addiction
To an addict their addiction offers a solution that really works. That solution includes numbness or distraction or oblivion to the many pains of life. Why else would people continue to use it into ill health and even death? My personal journey through and out of active alcoholism and addiction has given me insights well suited to individuals who want to quit. I will work to help you break the addictive cycle. Then, together we can find solutions to your daily problems that do not include your addiction. If you suffer from active addiction or alcoholism and you want out, I can help.